The Great Transition Initiative is an online forum of ideas and an international network for the critical exploration of concepts, strategies, and visions for a transition to a future of enriched lives, human solidarity, and a resilient biosphere. The GTI is an international collaboration for charting pathways to a planetary civilization rooted in solidarity, sustainability, and human well-being. As an initiative for collectively understanding and shaping the global future, GTI welcomes diverse ideas. The GT Network continues to expand and diversify as a forum for engaged thinkers and thinking activists to advance together toward a vision and praxis for a decent planetary civilization. The journey continues.
The Mechai Pattana School in Thailand pursues many practices admired by the Corrales Institute such as being a lifelong learning center for the entire community, improving the quality of life, fostering good citizens, creativity and thinking outside the box; democratic education with students on the school board and management committees, community service, student agriculture and small businesses.
The Human Restoration Project is a non-profit organization aimed at transforming school systems, restoring students as human beings rather than a vessel for standards. Led by educators Chris McNutt and Nick Covington, HRP contains reformative school resources, free conferences, podcasts, writings, and various materials geared toward changing mindsets in education.
Sociocracy is a method of organization, decision-making, and governance designed to protect and apply the values that democracies cherish. Unlike current democracies, it is a governance structure designed to make sure those values are applied as equally as possible for everyone. All members of a sociocratically governed organization are guaranteed the ability to collaboratively decide their living and working conditions — as citizens, employees, neighbors, students.
Green Street Academy, a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation, is a public charter school, serving students in grades 6-12, located in Baltimore, MD. The school’s mission is to prepare middle and high schools students in Baltimore City for college and careers in the 21st century economy that includes a focus on traditional academic success and pre-professional career training. However, the school grounds, its history and some activities are unconventional for a traditional school.
Agora School, Roermond, Netherlands. Agora as a blend of a university (where you have knowledge), a Buddhist monastery (where you can think), a theme park (where you can play) and a communal marketplace (where you can trade and swap things). You could describe the space where this happens as full of happy clutter. It is a school with no subjects, no tests, no lessons, where learning is framed more as a social process; a school in which students learn how to learn.
Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build strong communities, inspiring people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces in order to maximize shared value. More than just promoting better urban design, placemaking facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution.
Fred Rogers, needs no introduction
Mr. Rogers and Jeff Erlanger
Its Such a Good Feeling
BIOOK es una asociación sin animo de lucro que tiene como objetivo impulsar la innovación social, creando ecosistemas para que la ciudadanía participe y disfrute de la producción científico-cultural, eliminando fronteras entre biología y otras disciplinas. BIOOK se basa en el movimiento Do It Yourself Biology y en la Ciencia Ciudadana.
BIOOK is a non-profit association in Bilbao, Spain that aims to promote social innovation, creating ecosystems for citizens to participate and enjoy scientific and cultural production, eliminating borders between biology and other disciplines. BIOOK is based on the Do It Yourself Biology movement and Citizen Science.
La Fundación CIENTEC, es una organización sin fines de lucro creada en Costa Rica en 1988. MISIÓN: Contribuir al desarrollo de una cultura científica y tecnológica que potencie a las personas con equidad; estimular su curiosidad; dotarles de instrumentos y conocimientos básicos para observar, experimentar, crear modelos, reconocer fuentes de información confiable, resolver problemas y desarrollar criterios propios; estimularlos como individuos creativos y autónomos, aprendices de por vida y miembros activos de la sociedad.
The Foundation CIENTEC, is a non-profit organization created in Costa Rica in 1988. MISSION: Contribute to the development of a scientific and technological culture that empowers people with equity; stimulate your curiosity; provide them with basic tools and knowledge to observe, experiment, create models, recognize reliable sources of information, solve problems and develop their own criteria; stimulate them as creative and autonomous individuals, lifelong learners and active members of society.